What To Expect When You Come In

On your first visit, expect to spend a couple minutes filling out a confidential client information sheet for us and talking with your therapist. The info sheet includes a brief medical history and contact information. This is because we need to know whether there are any contraindications for your massage, why you came to get a massage, and also to find out what your expectations are before you receive a massage. It’s always intimidating going somewhere new for a massage, and we strive to make it the most comfortable experience possible.

Your therapist will show you the therapy room, ask if you have any more questions, and leave the room for you to undress. Only undress to to the point that you’re comfortable– we can work with pretty much anything, but bear in mind that leaving clothing on (such as a bra or long shorts) will limit what can be done during your session. Then lie down on the table under the sheet and blanket. The only part of your body that will be undraped is the part that is being worked on. Also, please remove all jewelry that may interfere with your massage prior to your arrival.

During the massage, your therapist may uncover ticklish or tender areas you never knew existed! If at any time your massage doesn’t feel positive, let your therapist know! These painful areas can be from trigger points or myofascial & muscular tension- they should have that “hurts so good” feel. Ticklish areas are from tension being held in the body and will go away in time the more you get used to being touched. Try to relax and not assist your therapist with any stretches or limb movements she my do; your goal is to relax, and the therapist’s goal is to ease your muscle tension.

After your session, take as much time as you need to bring yourself back from a relaxed state of mind. You therapist will be waiting for you outside in the reception area with a bottle of water for you. Please drink the water! The cellular debris that was released during your massage shouldn’t stay in your body, and the best way to get rid of it is to drink a little water than you normally would.